Frequently Asked Questions | Hoffmans Lawn & Fertilization
A lawn in the process of being mowed by professionals in Dublin, OH.

Asked Questions About Lawn & Landscape Services

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Frequently Asked Questions About Lawn & Landscape Care & Maintenance

We're happy to help you get answers to any of your questions about lawn care or landscape maintenance services.

While we are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about our lawn care and landscaping services, there are some questions that we get frequently. The following are the most common questions we are asked by our clients, which may save you some time having your questions answered without contacting us.

If you still have questions, feel free to reach out to us via our Contact page, and one of our lawn professionals will respond in a timely manner. Need an answer before making a decision? By all means, call us for fastest service!

What Do You Have Questions About?

Lawn Mowing Questions

Do you mow if it rains?

Yes, depending on the amount and duration, but we walk each property looking for soft spots. Lawns need to be mowed weekly in the growing season and Ohio may have rain each day of the week.

Do you charge if you skip for the week?

No, we only charge if we mow.

How do you determine if my lawn needs to be skipped?

If the lawn may experience more stress by mowing, we will skip that week.

Is the string trimming and sidewalk edging included?

Yes every mowing has edging and string trimming included; we do not offer mowing service without it.

Does the same crew mow each week?

More often than not it is the same crew. It is our goal to make sure the crew that shows up is familiar with the account they are servicing. The crew and the office add notes throughout the year letting other teams know of any unique needs. If your normal crew is running behind other teams may provide relief.

Why do you mow when it’s wet out?

We can often achieve similar results whether it is wet or dry. When it is wet, this does require more effort. However, putting off the mowing to a later date could result in cutting off too much of the grass at one time, which would result in the lawn losing color, and it would create a huge mess on the lawn.

Can I have my lawn mowed on Friday?

We do mow on Fridays in Delaware, however we schedule it for Thursday knowing some type of weather delay will push it into Friday. If your lawn mowing schedule falls on a Friday at the beginning of the season, please understand that once lawn growth slows it may move to Thursday.

What size mowers do you use?

30 inch walk behind, and up to 54 inch stand-on mowers.

Can you get in my backyard? I have a gate.

Our crews can access a gate width as narrow as 30 inches.

Do you have service contracts?

We do not require contracts. Each service is Pay As You Go and can be shut off at any time.

Why can’t I pay monthly with a check?

To run a company and provide the best equipment, best people, and best product, requires huge upfront costs. Our expenses are paid weekly, so it only makes sense to collect weekly, and this could not be achieved if we waited on checks to arrive.

How do I pay?

We email invoices on Sunday at the end of the week and charge a debit or credit card on Tuesday. The charge would show on your account one week after service.

Why can’t I get a discount if I pay upfront?

Our prices are as low as they can go, and we don’t request up front payments because service visit counts are subject to weather and seasonal changes.

How much training does your crew receive?

Crew leads act as apprentices for a year before running a crew.

Why can’t your mowing guys pull weeds?

Mowing crews don’t often have the time in their route nor do they have the room/equipment to perform both services. Mowing tends to suit faster pace individuals while landscape bed maintenance requires you to move much slower to achieve the desired result.

Do you bag grass clippings?

We do not bag grass clippings. The lawn benefits from grass clippings when it breaks down in the soil.

What do you do if grass clippings and clumps are on the lawn?

Excess grass clippings will be mowed over twice or broken up with a backpack blower to prevent the lawn from being matted.

What happens if the lawn is wet and it’s our day to be mowed?

We take extra precautions when mowing wet lawns. Before entering the lawn with a mower we will walk the lawn and locate low spots, determine areas of concern that may need to be mowed with a smaller piece of equipment or simply string trimmed. It is common practice to mow wet lawns in the spring and sometimes even in the fall. We may have an entire week where your lawn might not dry out. Mowing a wet lawn is the least consequential result. Letting a lawn grow too long and then mowing it results in excessive stress for the lawn.

Do you do one time mows?

We currently do not offer one time mows.

Can I be guaranteed a time and day of service?

For services like mowing we will give you an approximate day of service. This is weather dependent. For fertilizer and pest control applications, we notify you the day before, and for lawn aerations and landscape maintenance we give an approximate week of service.

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Lawn Fertilizer Questions

Granular or liquid?

We use liquid for weed control and granular for fertilizer.

What happens if it rains?

In situations of very light precipitation we may still apply the treatment. Certain applications benefit when watered in.

Will it kill weeds if it rains?

When applying post emergent weed control we use a sticking agent that helps our herbicide adhere to the leaf.

What if I have weeds in my lawn in between applications?

Spot treatments in between regular scheduled applications are free.

Why does your program require 6 applications?

The season in Ohio runs from March to November, which means we apply an application every five and half weeks. In order to hold color and keep a pest free lawn, this amount of attention is required to meet clients growing expectations.

Can I get a discount if I pay upfront?

We do not offer a discount for paying upfront.

Are the chemicals harmful?

We don’t advise you to eat them. I guess we have to say that after the tide challenge. So long as you let the liquid dry on the grass it won’t transfer to your skin and our granular fertilizer would be deep in the thatch layer of the turf which is untouchable. The products we use are approved by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

Will the products hurt my dog or pets?

Same rules apply to pets and people. Let the application dry and there will be no issue.

What if I have a fence?

That’s perfectly fine. Our applicators can fit their machines through gates as small as 36 inches, and all applicators have push spreaders with hose reels that can reach up to 300 feet.

Can I be told a specific day and time for my application?

The day before your application, we will notify you by email. Please note that there are last minute changes due to Weather. Just because you received a notification the day or evening before, does not guarantee our crews will be out. Not only does precipitation play a factor, but wind, humidity and temperatures are all variables that delay the application. Some days our crews are called back or put on stand-by while waiting on proper conditions. If we don’t get to you that day, we will move your application to the following day.

Is it the same technician that shows up each visit?

We do not guarantee each visit will be performed by the same technician. Although it’s a core concept of our company, that each service should be performed the same, no matter who is on site.

Can I get a lawn diagnosis before an estimate is sent?

Yes. We can send someone out for a walk through if a diagnosis is needed.

Why don’t you recommend seeding in the spring?

If seed is planted in the spring you lose the opportunity to apply pre-emergents. A newly tilled or cultivated area would be overrun with weeds and crabgrass which result in your desired grass being choked out. Planting seed in early fall is best.

Can you get rid of all my weeds?

No. Weeds and pest grasses will always be present however we manage the population to a level of non-action, which means they won’t be noticed at a level which would require immediate action.

Can you get my lawn to be thicker and more full with this program?

Yes. A lawn treatment program does promote growth and more aggressive spread of existing grasses. With that being said, many procedures other than fertilization and pest control are required to achieve a a desirable lawn. Proper mowing, aeration, watering, drainage and seed introduction are necessary in order to grow a lush green lawn.

What happens if I am not happy with the results?

As with any service we offer, clients may cancel at any time. This is a natural incentive for us as a company to go the extra mile each time we come by for a service.

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Common Cleanup Questions

How deep will the Mulch be installed?

The goal is to have the mulch anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 inches deep.

Why do you install mulch thin?

Because most of our clients want new mulch every year if we put it down thick it would cause issues down the road. The main issue would be mold.

Why don’t you remove mulch?

Mulch breaks down over time and has good nutrients for the plants. We can remove mulch if requested at our hourly rate.

Can I get a discount?

We do not currently offer discounts for this service.

What is included in the spring cleanup?

Spring cleanup includes shrub trimming, weeding, debris removal, and other bed maintenance. Please understand this is only for flower bed spaces, and not for the entire lawn.

What do you recommend, bi-weekly or tri-weekly bush and bed?

That depends on the amount of beds you have, but we recommend having our crew out every two weeks to make sure your beds stay clean the whole season.

What is included in the bush and bed service?

The crew will maintain the flower beds, removing weeds, trimming shrubs, edging, and cleaning out debris. You can call in and make a request if you need something specific.

What is the pre-emergent?

It is to help prevent weeds before they sprout, or emerge from your lawn. the key word is help. It does not mean that no weeds will appear. It is applied to help prevent weeds and should be reapplied every 30 to 45 days depending on the rain.

What is the pre-spray and why do I need it?

We like to do a pre-spray to help kill the weeds at the root. This helps to make sure they don’t return, and it will make it easier and faster for the guys to get the weeds that do appear.

What color mulch do you guys install?

We install any color mulch as long as it’s black. But if you would like to have another color of mulch delivered to your property we will install it for you at our hourly rate.

How deep is the edging going to be?

Our goal is to have a dollar bill edge. With some newer home builds, it will take a year to two years to get them as deep as we would like.

How do I get on your spring cleanup list?

Most of our clients submit their requests in February or March because our schedule does fill up fast.

Why do you only offer spring landscape services to recurring clients?

Due to the high demand each year, we have to take care of our regular clients first. But if you would like to sign up for one of our services, we can get you on the list.

Why don’t you give a date for service on landscape services?

With every landscape job times are different and weather dependent. We try to give a specific week that the service will be performed, but with spring weather, our schedule is always changing.

Do I need to be home when the crew is working?

No, the crew is trained and if something special needs to be done at the job we will add notes on your account for the crew to follow.

Can the job be scheduled for while I’m home?

We can try to accommodate, but can not give a specific time that the crew will arrive at your property.

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We Have the Answers to All of Your Lawn Care, Pest Control, & Landscape Maintenance Questions

Find the information you need? Then fill out our Free Estimate form and one of our experts will contact you to discuss your lawn care needs. Still have questions? Feel free to Contact Us. We are always happy to answer any concerns you may have. For Fastest Service, give us a call at (740) 318-5296. You can ask for me, Andrew Hoffman.

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