Although chinch bugs and armyworms are both insects that can infest your lawn in Ohio, there are some key differences between the two. Chinch bugs are tiny, black and red insects that transition into a fully black color with white wings as they mature. These lawn insects feed on a variety of grass types and will eventually cause them to die. Armyworms are a species of caterpillars with a distinguishing yellow or white upside-down "Y" on their heads. They feed on specific types of grass, such as bermudagrass, ryegrass, fescue, and bluegrass, leaving only grass stems when done and creating a scorched appearance. Thankfully, both of these lawn insects can be avoided when you sign up for a professional comprehensive insect control program!
What are chinch bugs, and what kind of damage do they cause?

Chinch bugs are lawn insects that are black and bright orange with a white band across the abdomen during the early stages of their life cycle. As they mature, they become dark red until they eventually turn completely black with white, shiny wings. They feed on a variety of grass types, such as St. Augustine, fescues, zoysiagrass, bluegrass, and bermudagrass. Once they develop into adults, they'll begin causing damage to your lawn by injecting a toxin into the grass and then sucking the juices from it.
Chinch bug infestations are most common in Ohio from May until October when the weather is dry and hot.
What are armyworms, and what kind of damage do they cause?

Armyworms are lawn insects that are part of the caterpillar species. They're the larvae of moths and can range in color from brown and grey to yellow and green, reaching a length of around 1 1/2 inches. The most distinguishing characteristic of this lawn insect is the shape of a yellow or white upside-down "Y" on the head. They feed on specific types of grass, including bermudagrass, ryegrass, fescue, and bluegrass. Extensive lawn damage caused by armyworms results in a scorched appearance as only grass stems are left after feeding.
Armyworm infestations are most common from spring until fall!
You can avoid having your lawn infested by chinch bugs and armyworms by signing up for an insect control program.
Chinch bugs and armyworms can cause damage to your lawn, so avoiding them is crucial. Thankfully, these infestations are avoidable when you sign up for a professional comprehensive insect control program! When you do, professionals will apply highly effective treatments several times throughout the year for consistent protection from both insects. Most treatments will contain a preventative and a contact-killer for optimal results. With a professional comprehensive insect control program in place, your lawn will be protected from chinch bugs, armyworms, and other pesky lawn insects as well during every season!
Contact us today to schedule our insect control program.
If your lawn is infested with chinch bugs or armyworms, or you want to prevent them from becoming a problem in the first place, we are the team to turn to! At Hoffmans Lawn & Fertilization, we offer a comprehensive insect control program that includes 4 treatments between May and October, spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart to provide comprehensive protection from various lawn insects, including chinch bugs and armyworms! Plus, we back this service with a satisfaction guarantee, so you can rest easy knowing we won't be happy with the results until you are!
We offer our insect control program to residential and commercial property owners, as well as HOAs, in Delaware, Lewis Center, Powell, Dublin, %%state%, as well as other surrounding areas. Contact us today at (740) 318-5296 to sign up.
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