Fertilizing your lawn in the fall is crucial for preparing it for winter dormancy. After all, it'll build up its health and strength, plus help it establish deep, expansive root systems and ensure it has enough nutrients to store and use to survive the season. However, it's possible to fertilize it too late! You want to give your grass enough time to absorb and maximize the treatment before the first frost, and it goes dormant. Usually, the final fall application should occur once it stops actively growing or significantly slowed down, which is around October or November here in Ohio. To give yourself peace of mind knowing your lawn gets fertilized at the proper time, you should hire pros to do it for you.
Your lawn needs enough time to absorb the fall fertilization treatment before the first frost.
Timing is everything with the final fall fertilization treatment, as your lawn needs enough time to absorb the nutrients before the first frost, and it goes dormant for the winter. Once it does, it renders the application ineffective because it will no longer benefit your grass. Allowing it the chance to maximize the fall fertilizer treatment makes the difference between giving it the best chance of surviving the challenging winter season or struggling.
The Final Fall Fertilizer Application Should Occur Once the Grass Slows or Stops Growing Completely

To determine when you should apply the final fall fertilizer treatment, you need to monitor the growth of your grass. Usually, this application should occur once it stops actively growing or has slowed down significantly to where it no longer needs to be mowed. That way, the nutrients can go towards the roots and promote their development and growth; deep, robust root systems will help your lawn withstand winter stress and survive until the following spring. So, the best time to fertilize your turf one more time in the fall is in either October or November.
Hire Pros to Fertilize Your Lawn This Fall to Ensure It's Done at the Proper Time
If you want to give your lawn the best results from the last fertilizer treatment of the season, hiring pros to apply it this fall is the way to go. After all, they'll ensure they do it at the proper time so that it can maximize that nourishment and enter winter dormancy in optimal condition. Pros also know the correct type of product to use for the fall and the right nutrient amount to help fortify its health, plus aid in a quicker green-up come spring! When you leave fertilization in the hands of experts, you can have peace of mind knowing your grass gets the care it deserves.
Call us today to sign up for our lawn fertilization service!
At Hoffmans Lawn & Fertilization, we're here to help set up your grass for long-standing success - with our lawn fertilization service! This service includes six fertilizer applications from early spring until late fall, with the final one occurring between October and November to ensure it has enough time to absorb the nutrients and transition into winter dormancy without a problem. But wait, that's not all - we will also utilize pre- and post-emergent weed control treatments throughout the growing season to prevent new weeds from surfacing and eliminate any existing growth!
We offer our lawn fertilization service to residential and commercial properties, along with HOAs, in Delaware, Lewis Center, Powell, OH, and throughout the surrounding areas. Call us at (740) 318-5296 to sign up today!
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